
Welcome to the Columbus Airport, providing Delta commercial airline service for Fort Moore’s finest and approximately 15 minutes away from the military base. More than half of all new Soldiers who enter the Army this year will do so right here at Fort Moore where training is provided for all new Paratroopers, Rangers, Officer Candidates, Infantry and Armor Lieutenants, Captains and Non-commissioned Officers.
Getting Here, Getting Around
Fort Moore contracts one taxi service which is bound by regulation to keep fares reasonable on post. Off post fees are regulated by the city, so please be cautious when selecting a service. On post, drivers will not charge for luggage, grocery bags or duffle bags, and there will be no charge for children younger than 7.
Yellow Cab: 706-322-1616
If you experience problems with a taxi service, call 706-687-8021. For more information about taxi and shuttle services, click here.
Rental Cars
Rental Car Agents are located in the East terminal of the Columbus Airport. All agents provide Military benefits which may include discounts or waived fees. For more information on special military pricing please click on the preferred rental car company of your choice or call them directly.
Avis Car Rental
M: 706-322-2539
Budget Car Rental
O: 800-527-7000
M: 706-327-5501
Enterprise Car Rental
Hertz Car Rental
O: 800-654-3131
M: 706-324-2725
National/Alamo Car Rental
O: 800-227-7368
M: 706-322-4586
You will have no issues accessing the post by rental car, as long as you can provide a rental agreement and drivers license. Visitors in rental cars and those who do not have a current military ID are encouraged to use the left-hand lanes at the post access control points.
All passengers in your vehicle 16 and older should be prepared to show a photo ID. You will enter the post from Interstate 185 South, Benning Road (just south of the National Infantry Museum) or Highway 280/27 at Harmony Church.
Please drive with caution on the installation and remember that texting or using hand-held electronic devices is strictly prohibited while driving. Slow to 10 miles per hour weekdays during Operation Slowdown, from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., when Soldiers are doing PT or whenever you pass troops in formation.
Reporting In
New permanent party arrivals will report to the Installation Replacement Division, Building 2607, in Soldiers’ Plaza on Dixie Road. This office is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Here you will begin “in-processing,” which typically takes about three days, occasionally as long as a week. The process includes a number of appointments around post, updating DEERS information, enrolling in TRICARE, financial readiness and more. Please make sure you have your PCS orders, DA Form 31 (leave form), personnel file and medical and dental records. Officers and NCOs will need a copy of their latest OER/NCOER or DA Form 1059.
For more information about in-processing, call 706-545-4577 or 706-545-3608.
If you are a single Soldier, E5 or below, you will be assigned temporary billeting. If you are accompanied by your family, or you are a single Soldier E6 or greater, you will find lodging on Main Post or off post if post lodging has no vacancies. Though Fort Moore has various lodging facilities, all registration takes place at Olson Hall in Building 399 on Gillespie Street. If there are no rooms available, ask the lodging clerk for a list of local hotels that offer government contracting rates equal or less than your daily per diem.
You will find information about post lodging here or you can call 706-689-0067.
Graduation Travel Information for Family & Friends
Graduation from the recruit’s US Army training is an exhilarating experience for both the recruit and their family & friends. The Columbus Airport can send home information to your family or friends at no cost to you. Graduation ceremonies are conducted weekly throughout the year for various Army units located at Fort Moore. To request information on Columbus Airport, please contact Marketing Associate, Anna Phillips at [email protected].
Additional Information on Fort Moore
Newcomers Orientations
Every Wednesday at 9 a.m. at Building 7, 7117 Baltzell Avenue
Free child care
call to register at 706-545-0403
Free monthly Moore Bus Tour
From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. the third Thursday of each month. This event includes child care and a free lunch at the Moore Conference Center. Register today, as space is limited. Call 706-545-0403 or 706-545-8783.