Military - Columbus Airport Commission



Welcome to the Columbus Airport, providing Delta commercial airline service for Fort Benning’s finest and approximately 15 minutes away from the military base. More than half of all new Soldiers who enter the Army this year will do so right here at Fort Benning where training is provided for all new Paratroopers, Rangers, Officer Candidates, Infantry and Armor Lieutenants, Captains and Non-commissioned Officers.

Getting Here, Getting Around

Fort Benning contracts one taxi service which is bound by regulation to keep fares reasonable on post. Off post fees are regulated by the city, so please be cautious when selecting a service. On post, drivers will not charge for luggage, grocery bags or duffle bags, and there will be no charge for children younger than 7.

Yellow Cab: 706-322-1616

If you experience problems with a taxi service, call 706-687-8021. For more information about taxi and shuttle services, click here.

Additional Information on Fort Benning

Newcomers Orientations

Every Wednesday at 9 a.m. at Building 7, 7117 Baltzell Avenue

Free child care

call to register at 706-545-0403

Free monthly Benning Bus Tour

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. the third Thursday of each month. This event includes child care and a free lunch at the Benning Conference Center. Register today, as space is limited. Call 706-545-0403 or 706-545-8783.