
Press Release
Press Release
From: Sonya Hollis, Marketing Manager
Submitted On: 31 May 2017
COLUMBUS, GA May 2017– The Columbus Airport Commission as part of its Vision 2020- Forward with Focus Campaign will begin installation of an attendant free Parking Lot system at the Columbus Airport. The project will begin on Thursday, June 1st with the installation of new ticketing and arm systems for Long and Short Term parking as well as new gate arms for the exit lanes. Inside the terminal a pay on foot pay station will be installed where customers will be able to pay for their parking prior to leaving the facility.
The project is expected to take two weeks and will be completed on June 15th 2017. During this time period all travelers and visitors at the Columbus Airport will be able to park at no charge.
Vision 2020 Forward with Focus Campaign is a three year project and a product of the Commission’s five year Strategic Plan adopted in 2015 that focuses on efforts to improve products and services provided by the Commission by modernizing and improving facilities and services to be completed before the end of the year 2020.
The airport is a public use airport in Columbus Georgia located at 3250 W. Britt David Road servicing the community with commercial airline and general aviation service.
POC for this release:
Sonya L. Hollis
Marketing Manager-Columbus Airport
Columbus, GA 31909
Press Release
Press Release
From: Sonya Hollis, Marketing Manager
Submitted On: 02 February 2017
COLUMBUS, GA February 2017– The Columbus Airport Commission received 7 Bell Boeing V22 Ospreys on Monday January 30th and 9 more on Wednesday February 1, 2017 as the aircraft flew in support of operations at Fort Benning.
The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is an American multi-mission, tiltrotor military aircraft with both vertical takeoff and landing and short takeoff landing capabilities topping speeds as high as 351 mph.
The Ospreys flew in after hours to Fort Benning and made a stop at the Columbus Airport for fueling as they traveled back to Fort Benning. The airport received no additional advanced information on the Osprey’s movements and do not know if they will be returning again this week.
The airport is a public use airport in Columbus Georgia located at 3250 W. Britt David Road servicing the community with commercial airline and general aviation service.
POC for this release:
Sonya L. Overton, Marketing Manager-Columbus Airport
Columbus, GA 31909
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