Request for Bids/ Request for Proposals - Columbus Airport Commission

Request for Bids/ Request for Proposals

Bids, RFP’S & SOQS

RFB/RFP’s are posted on this site for informational purposes only. Downloading any document does not constitute a bid. 

Notice to Bidders: CSG RW 6-24

The Columbus Airport Commission will receive bids for the Runway 6-24 Reconstruction Project at the Columbus Airport. Bids must be received at the Columbus Airport; 3250 W. Britt David Road Columbus, GA 31909, Attention Ms. Amber Clark, Director until 11:00 AM local time on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at which time all proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids are to be sealed, marked with the bidder’s name, address, and labeled: Runway 6-24 Reconstruction Project. Bids will be date and time stamped upon receipt. Bids received after the stated time will not be accepted.

The project is generally described as pavement reconstruction of the primary Runway 6-24 (6,997’ long by 150’ wide). Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) as well as Hot Mix Asphalt will be considered for the mainline paving and evaluated in separate bid schedules. Additional work includes a new asphalt paved blast pad, airfield lighting improvements, and major drain line replacement. The work elements include pavement demolition, milling, new pavement construction with aggregate base or cement treated base, and surface courses of PCC or Asphalt. Other work elements include lighting adjustments, new airfield lighting, storm drain replacement, pavement marking, minor grading/grassing, and other miscellaneous items.

CSG Notice to Bidders RW 6-24

Deadline for submittal is 11:00 a.m., August 22, 2024.

A NONMANDATORY Pre-bid Conference will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 11:00 AM at Columbus Airport Terminal Conference Room, 3250 W. Britt David Road Columbus, GA 31909, after which a site visit will be offered for all attendees.

For technical information, contact the Engineer, Holt Consulting Company, LLC, at (803) 603-1574, or email at [email protected], Attn.: Jeff Pike, Project Manager


RFQ for Aviation Engineering Consulting

The Columbus Airport Commission, Columbus Georgia is seeking qualified aviation consulting firms to provide professional planning, engineering, architectural, and construction administration services in connection with the Airport Capital Improvement Plan at the Columbus Airport in Columbus, Georgia.

It is the intent of the Columbus Airport Commission to enter into agreements with consultants for designated upcoming projects within the next five (5) year period. The selection of the consultant is being done in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14E and applicable Georgia statues and laws. Responding firms must possess a current pre-qualification by the Georgia Department of Transportation in Area Classes No. 1.08 Airport Master Planning and No. 2.09 Aviation.

CSG Notice of Request for Airport Engineering Services

Deadline for submittal is 2:00 p.m., August 9, 2024.

The Statement of Qualifications should be delivered in a sealed envelope or box clearly marked, “Airport Consulting Engineering Services.” The Columbus Airport shall assume no responsibility for responses that are received after the prescribed time, or that are not properly addressed or identified.

Please submit any questions regarding this RFQ via e-mail to Maggie Turnham at [email protected] The deadline for questions shall be 5:00 p.m. on July 26, 2024.

This is a Request for Qualifications only. Price proposals are not required at this time.